![]() Cat’s out the bag, I have an 800+ credit score and I’m under 30. How did I get here? What did I do? How long did it take me? How can you join the 800 credit club? My answer might shock you. You stop worrying about it. Seriously, it’s like trying to watch a pot boil. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you not to worry about credit, just not to worry about achieving the 800 credit score. What you should be focusing on are these 5 things.
Of course I should mention that these are very high level and basic tips that would include a strong discipline around not abusing credit and patience in waiting for the pay off of these consistent behaviors having been used, but that is the secret sauce. When I started my journey to credit awareness at 21 years old I was approved for a credit card with a $300 limit. I won’t tell you the limit on that same card today, but I will say that it’s been a slow build over close to 10 years that has landed me where I am today. The first step is often the hardest and that is simply getting educated. The next step is putting it all into practice. The high 700’s is considered excellent credit and can get you most everything an 800 credit score can. This is a long game, if you understand how credit works you’ll understand that fluctuations over time happen and you can weather the storms by implementing the above practices. Here’s a reminder:
Sometimes, the old school idea of budgeting until you have enough to buy it (or buy it twice according to Jay-Z) is the best way to acquire a liability you may or may not NEED. Here are a few free (because everyone loves free) resources to get you started on your education. www.creditkarma.com www.bettermoneyhabits.com www.annualcreditreport.com Follow me: Twitter: @RahkimSabree Instagram: @RahkimSabree |